Tuesday 19 February 2013

Half Term Hands On

Well snatching a few moments of my own on the computer, I thought I would check in, just lay a few ideas your way for Half Term.

We've been hangin out at one of those great mobile farms today, enjoying/being intimidated by ducks, kune kunes and the most adorable donkey. Also yesterday we went to the Zoo - what else can we do that does NOT involve animals?

The half term started early with a free day on Friday, which I foolishly decided to fill with a whole bunch of biggest daughter's friends. Still they had a great time making these:

The ones that didn't make it to photograph were even more laden with haribo and millions. This time, they have defeated me, as even I with my horrendous sweet tooth didn't want them! Still, look at that glorious pink icing. I made it using only icing sugar and blood orange juice. Tasty. Tasty AND no additives. Smile. The blue was .... blue food colouring of course. Bleurg.

What are you up to this half term?

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