Thursday 7 April 2011

Make it! Egg Cosy Tutorial

I am feeling all full of the joys of spring today, and I have been meaning to post up this tutorial for an easy egg cosy project for, like, ages, so it seemed that today was the day! Its not really as thorough as it could be but I am assuming you do not need me to dot all the i's. Post a comment if anything needs clarifying. I check the blog depressingly often. xx

You need: 
squared paper
four rectangles of fabric the correct size (see below) - two for the outer and two for the lining
a piece of wadding or insulating material such as Insul-Brite
a pretty trim/braid
pins, thread, sewing machine etc

Step One: cut out an egg cosy template - I just used squared paper. I am not going to give you the template here because as you can see it is simply a rectangle with the top end rounded off. Just measure the egg cups you have at home and make a rectangle which is slightly wider than half the circumference.

Use the template to cut: two main pieces, two lining pieces, two interlining pieces (from the wadding)

Step Two: take your braid or trim and attatch it to the fabric you are using for your cosy outer. I left 1 cm to give me some space above the seam allowance.  

Step Three: Sew one outer piece and one lining piece together at the straight edge by placing right sides together and stitching in place. Press flat as shown.

Step Four: Excusing the mess in the photograph below (!) place the two egg cosy pieces right sides together and sandwich them between the wadding pieces as shown. Now stitch all around the whole egg cosy leaving a small (approx) 4cm gap somewhere in the lining side.

Step Five: Turn it all right side out and slip stitch (or, as I later thought,  mattress stitch might be neater) the hole shut. Then push the lining inside the cosy.
You should now have this:

OK? Pretty easy - quite cute.

1 comment:

Miss Moopette said...

This is really cute! Wish I had the time to do one... but waaaay too much other stuff to do. Thanks for inspiration though!