Monday, 11 June 2012

I done a wee!

How puerile she is, I hear you think, reading my blog post title. But believe me I have heard this phrase too many times over the last week!! Hurray, that wonderful stage - most neccessary yet distressing - of potty training has returned to our house. On the plus side, having a child who has already mastered independant toileting seems to help, both as an exemplar, an extra cheerleader, and indeed as the guineas pig of techniques. 

This time around I have gone for the tried and tested Boot Camp method (see Mumsnet)  even at naptime - squeee - but cross fingers so far, after a week, there was only one terrible terrible day of all accidents, and we even managed two family days out without much incident, so half-term wasn't completely ruined for everyone. 

I managed to make myself excited about the whole process by buying a posh potty. SO sad, but as I have only just got the hall looking nice I thought I would get one that kind of looked cool as well as doing it's job. Besides, as there's only 2 years between this one and the youngest I will probably have the potty out for a good few years yet. Here is a picture, please bask in the glory that is the Hoppop Donut in Lime (sounds more delicious than a potty should!). I hasten to add that although 'designer' it actually has a really practical lift-out inner cup, which is deeper than our other potty and it's easy to clean. To my relief, I love it!

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