Monday 2 August 2010

Fir Cone Madness

Although it seems a vaguely christmassy thing to do, DD and I have been busy this morning filling a huge bag full of fir cones. The tree on our drive has just gone mental, throwing out hundreds of the things, and just like a dutiful Roo and Tigga as we are, off we went agatherin'. Now I am trying to think of what to do with them. Ideas so far:

package as gifts for people with log fires
christmas wreaths
adding into other christmas decorations, covered in glitter
keeeping them in a big bowl (I have done this there are still a million!)

I love the things but this is ludicrous! There are more still on the ground..................


noodleBubble said...

Laughing as daughter and I have been out with a carrier bag patrolling the streets for them earlier today (!)

We have used a few as trees in a fairy garden this evening...

Will be making 'creatures' later in the week - watch this blog noodleBubble !!!???

Isobel said...

looking forward to seeing what you create. See my post above for a cute picture of a pinecone owl! I think we shall also be trying to make a few cone friends this week.